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HEY IM UNABLE TO JOIN DISCORD , invite link either not valid or i don't have permission to. PLease post new invite link thanks.

(1 edit) (+1)

Hey, thanks
The link is updated now 


Nem fudendo. Eu vô baixar, fds.


Hey, I loved the game so much! Thanks for such amazing content! I often drop by to check if there's any new update. Will there be an update by the end of the year?


Hi. thank you 

Sure it will be, more precisely, in October.

The next chapter is almost complete, just some fine adjustments to release it 


liking the new background!


Thanks for noticing. It has a new character that you will see in the next chapter

(1 edit) (+1)

Does anyone else get stuck on the toilet scene? Nothing happens after the POV toilet image

I thought it was the graphics not loading, but I lowered everything to the lowest quality possible


it seems like an interesting project, i'll suggest the making of a patreon or somethink like that so we can support u properly cause the game looks really good.


The game wont load. 

Any advice?


do you have a Mac download version?


Just checking in hoping this game hasn't died. D:


Hello. It hasn't died, I'm working on the next chapter.
The problem is that I have a full-time job and a very short time to work on it. Hope one day I can work full-time on this game 


You have your hands full.  O_O  No rush.  I just wanted to see if the game was a thing.  Life has a bad habit of blindsiding people and things like games tend to be the first victim.  Happy to hear it's still in development :)  I look forward to the next update.


Oh, how sad to hear that, the game looks very nice. Wish you good luck with everything and hoping you can provide us more nice content any time soon, thank  you ❤️


Will there be an Android version, i wish so.


OMG this is just so fucking awesome!!! I'm looking forward to new updates!!!


I only see Save and Load commands... how to I go back to the main menu, or exit?



This was fixed and will be available in the next version


Hope you're not discouraged by Itch fucking up, as this could be a truly great game, and it has a lot of potential for a large following. Hope to see more, soon. 


I'm only getting an eternal black screen with a rotating hourglass when i try to start the game

Any one know what might be wrong?


Achei a qualidade muito boa. É meio curtinho agora, como uma "prova de conceito", mas muito promissor. Dá para fazer bastante coisa legal.


Will there be an Android version?


Isso é uma obra de arte, é cultura nacional.

MUITO OBRIGADO, eu mal posso esperar pelo futuro do projeto.


oi, jogo vai ser disponivel para mac no futuro?


Excellent work!  the humiliation aspect of the game is so good. He stands in line naked nervously.  I hope you continue that theme. Great job!!!


It doesn't seem to load, I just get a rotating hourglass. Any fix?

Um jogo muito bom e com grande potencial. A história por mais que curta me fez rir em algumas partes e também é bem relacionável com a vida de um jovem brasileiro. Gostei bastante do design e dos gráficos, um bug aqui e outro ali mas nada que vá atrapalhar. Tive problemas pra acessar o menu e fechar o jogo após o final. Mas de resto só elogios! Se um dia precisar de um dublador (não sou profissional, mas faria esse trabalho de graça) estarei à disposição. Tudo de bom <3


That was so freaking amazing, goodluck!


Que jogo incrivelmente bem feito, acho que foi o melhor que já joguei aqui graficamente falando. Eu queria perguntar se o protagonista vai ser apenas passivo, ou vai ter a rota ativo, falo isso pois queria foder todo mundo, mas eu vou jogar de qualquer forma, mesmo tendo um monte de caras lindos que eu só vou ficar no desejo, o protagonista até que é gostoso haha

(1 edit) (+1)

Muito obrigado, fico feliz em ler isso.

Pretendo adicionar opções para todos os gostos, vão ter oportunidades de ser ativo, passivo, versátil com alguns personagem. Você pode escolher ignorar as oportunidades de ser passivo, se preferir assim. (Inclusive, na próxima versão, na cena do banheiro terá a possibilidade de não aceitar a investida do Matheus)

Porém, alguns personagens serão somente ativo ou passivo

Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 1 year ago
(1 edit) (+2)

the  game is great so far, hope we get to see more of  the guy he was sitting next to in the beginning 



You will see 


Cara, fiquei tão feliz em encontrar uma história em português, faz tempo desde a última vez que vi. Acho esse conteúdo bastante promissor, não vejo a hora do quartel inteiro "pegar fogo" rsrs.

Espero ver futuras atualizações do seu jogo. Com relação as falas dos personagens, acho que seria mais interessante na hora do rala e rola. Se possível, cria um servidor no Discord pois você encontrará alguém disposto a te ajudar com a gramática. Abraços e continue firme nesse projeto! 🥰


Obrigado pelo apoio, fico feliz que gostou.  

Pretendo criar um servidor no Discord sim 


The Good: The graphics. In fact, the animations are some of the best I've seen in a VN.

The Bad: The grammar. I'd suggest getting someone to look at it, and not just because I'm an editor myself. It's even more important in this case, since you're using AI voices. Any misspelling will result in the AI butchering words, which actually happens about 20 seconds into the game.

You could hire someone like me, but if you don't want to spend the cash, finding a free proofreader who speaks English natively is generally fairly easy.


it doesn't matter much, if at all. if its easy to find people who are native English speakers you should probably start with that, not shilling out your "services" for a fee.

(5 edits) (+1)(-3)

No, no I shouldn't.  Never mind that the two things were mentioned in literally the same sentence, the obvious inference is that a free volunteer is not liable to do a professional quality job.  More importantly, if you were right that 'it doesn't matter much' the profession of 'editor' wouldn't exist.

Just because you don't think it matters doesn't mean that other people won't vote on the quality of a VN with their wallets. That's especially true on this site, where that's literally the primary pricing model.

If you don't know what you're talking about, maybe you should keep your opinions to yourself, rather than sharing your "advice".


you're a professional? wouldn't it be more professional to offer services in disclosed messages as opposed to the comment section of a game that has not expressed an interest in hiring editors? is it also professional to feel the need to prove how professional you are to someone who doesn't know you nor will they ever be interested in your 'services'? 

you're also the first and only person in the comment section (in English) to say something about the spelling while also selling your 'services'. you're the only person (so far) to have an issue with the spelling so yes, it doesn't really matter.

this game is free and he has yet to express an interest in monetizing the game, there is no 'voting with wallets' going on.

on an unrelated note, it's interesting how copy and paste FFXIV players are in regard to their thought process.

(17 edits) (+1)

I'll answer each question/point in order;
1. Yes.

2. Not when the primary purpose is as an honest review-please learn to discern the primary purpose from tertiary incentives. Whether the dev picks a pro or a well meaning volunteer is largely irrelevant to me as long as the quality of the work improves going forward.

3. Again, I suggest working on your ability to discern the primary purpose of a post; in that case, returning your acidity in kind. To be clear, you have been a stunningly rude example of Dunning-Kruger in action, and as you aren't a client/potential client, I have no incentives to return rudeness with politeness. Since I'm sure you couldn't tell, this paragraph has been my verbose way of saying 'go fuck yourself'.

4. Your entire second paragraph is irrelevant and pointless. Just because they didn't take the time to post doesn't mean that there weren't people who saw that issue and were immediately uninterested in the project as a whole. Since I need to spell it out, this typically results in not even sticking around long enough to see the sex scene, let alone posting for your benefit.

5. Third paragraph; Did you somehow miss the donation prompt that is the biggest draw for posting developing projects on this site???  Simply posting on this site is an attempt to monetize. The pick your own price model can even help devs figure out an ideal price point in action. Can't believe I had to explain this.

6. I'd love to say there was something interesting about your thought process, but alas.

(4 edits) (-2)

1. keep it professional, I presume this is your main account?

2. the only criticism towards your review was you shilling out your services, after being the only person who mentioned it and while telling them how poor the english in their game is. there is nothing wrong with critiquing in a review(that's why they are there after all) but when you tried selling services to a problem you were the only person who brought up.

3. your reaction is proof that what I have has merit and obviously damages some form of ego you possess with your first comment. you are referencing dunning-kruger incorrectly, never have I claimed to be an editor, a better editor or english speaker than you. simply stating how malicious your first comment was which you cannot seem to fathom. perhaps if I were critiquing your editing, and I was an editor with worse english, that'd be a better usage of the term?

4. this whole paragraph is irrelevant based on assumptions which you cannot prove. 

5. donation prompt is different from charging up-front for a game. each update (from what we know) will be posted here for free. donations are common place for nearly every single creation on the internet so you could technically call every site solely about monetization? claiming that simply posting on this site is monetizing a game could be compared to posting on twitter and expecting companies to reach out and pay you to post their product to your page for payment. it makes no sense and you seem to be slightly reaching for that. can't believe I had to explain this.

6. still a narrow-minded and very egotistical display of someone having their sales tactics brought up, which is what this was all about if you haven't forgotten. you're bringing in outside factors to try to defend something that has no defense. you, still, are the only person to bring up their english (as you try to claim there were many non-existent people quitting the game solely because of the english). 

you're stuck on non-factor pieces that don't fit what the original statement I made was on. if you can't see how critiquing a game and then selling your services to fix said critique while being the first and only person to comment on it can be seen as manipulative writing, I don't think you'll ever understand. 

as with your 'go fuck yourself' proves my point how hostile you've become about something that shouldn't really matter for a successful editor like yourself, right? 

you will now continue to reply with a defense or an even more hostile statement about something irrelevant. 


Thank you for the suggestion and honest review. 

I'm not a native speaker neither I am totally fluent in English and I understand that for native speakers may sound awkward any misspelled word or wrong grammar. Also The AI voice is not the best option but it was the only one I could afford for now. I do pretend to hire some actors to voice act into the game and also someone to translate the game into the most requested languages 


I played your game a few days ago and its very promiscing. The graphics are very nice, the ai-voices can sound sometimes robotics, but overall are nice and adds inmersion to the game. I liked the story so far (I think there will be involve a lot of roleplaying and kinks haha). I dont have more to add, honestly. I'm excited for the next update. And if you're taking suggestions for your game, I have an idea that may interested you: a male nurse character that is very soft and nice to the main protagonist, but who deep down is very repressive of his kinks, so the Mc basically can "corrupt" him so he gives in to his lust; also, I imagine his physique very bara-like (very big man-boobs and a big round ass)


Thanks, glad that you like it.

It does sound robotic, I pretend to hire real people to voice act in this game if it gets bigger and I get proper funding.

Thank you for your suggestion. I'll add this to the ideas doc 


Olá, tem previsão para o jogo no mac?


Pretendo lançar o jogo pra Android, IOS, Mac e Linux na próxima versão. Porém, não tenho previsão de lançamento já que isso depende da performance dessa primeira versão.

(1 edit) (+1)

I really enjoyed this game so far, your animations were really nice, definitely sets this apart from many other visual novels. The setting is very hot as well! 10/10. Do you have previous experience with animation and modeling? It was very good

Edit:Seen your previous comments about game not showing up, I frequent this site looking for new games nightly/every other night. This was in the Popular tab under 'Gay' last night and it seems to be gone from Popular tab and now I see it consistently in "Most Recent". Unfortunate it was not seen immediately but now that it's being shown I hope it doesn't discourage you! 


Thank you so much, I’m glad that you enjoyed. I do modeling professionally for almost 10 years now, animation is more recent

The game came back with 75% less views after not being showed up for a week🥲

Hopefully I can create a community and not depend on their marketing to publish future versions of the game

Advertising the game in discord servers related to gay visual novels would be a good bet for self-publicity. Communities can take time, don't give up :)


Hi, I kind liked so far... I was wondering if you can put a guy who cares for Daniel, like, is more soft and amorous with him. Great game by the way! and sorry for the trouble that you have here with this platform... in the future try to create a twitter account, it may help you publicize your game. much love much love

Thank you for your support.

Yes, I pretend to add different characters with different appearances, personalities and history.

The trouble was really discouraging, it totally killed the marketing of this game. The game went out for 1 week without any explanation.

Voltando aqui de novo, tem chance de vim Android?🥰

Pretendo lançar pra Android e IOS sim 

Ansioso já 😍


COMO ASSIM?!! Amei este jogo, tem tudo pra bombar, ainda mais na plataforma BR, o que é difícil de encontrar aqui, amei amei amei, continue assim por favor 😖🥴

Uma pergunta, sei que lançou faz pouco tempo, mais tem data assim de prévia, de que dia vai sair? As novas atualizações 🥴

Muito obrigado Zinhozin

Tudo vai depender da recepção do publico. Trabalhei por 3 meses pra fazer esses 15 min de jogo, tenho um trabalho em tempo integral, não posso dedicar muito tempo ao projeto. Se o game crescer e tiver apoio, pretendo criar um patreon pra que eu trabalhe só nesse jogo e consiga entregar novas versões. Por enquanto, continuo trabalhando só no meu tempo livre sem data prevista pra nova versão  

Tá certo 🥰

Gente amei


I tried to lunch it but it freezes on the title board and i'm afraid its because of my computer... is there a possibility to change game settings for it could work?


Hi. The game is quite heavy with some 1440p resolution images and movies. For now, the graphic settings don't work, but I have plans to add the game to mobile with 720p images. That option will be on graphic settings and will run easily on low-end PCs

Thank you

Ok, i'll be waiting :)


jogo br? ebaaaa ai sim !!! tem conteudo trans ou femboy? continue assim cara esse jogo aprece mt bom

Obrigado Matty 

Pretendo adicionar personagem femboy sim

ebaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa nice


Wow, the quality is really good!

Thank you❤️


Simplesmente amei o jogo, você pegou uma coisa que é comum no Brasil é fez um jogo muito quente com ele :), pena que nem sempre é como no jogo kkkkkkkkk, como br
nem acreditei quando vi que a linguagem estava em português, a dublagem ficou muito legal, são poucos jogos que já vi dublado, as animações e os personagens estão muito bem feitos, espero ansioso as atualizações futuras. 

P.S. Eu realmente tenho fetiche em farda...

Obrigado mesmo Lusca ❤️

Comentário assim me faz ter vontade de continuar o jogo.

Uh, I tried to play it saw it was in full screen so I change it to window... and the buttons to click anything disappeared... Uninstalling and reinstalling didn't help either... So now I can't play it since I can't click or see the buttons on the hub. Looks nice from the pics though...

Hi. Thanks for reporting that bug. I will fix the UI based on screen proportions and size for the next update

For now, you can use alt+enter to go fullscreen on game without using the menu.

Thanks for the comment

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